BSides København Videos

This side contains all published videoes from BSides København events. Find the videos on the page for each conference in main menu.

Support Foreningen BSides København

Looking to upgrade your wardrobe with some cool BSides København swag? Well, look no further - we've created our very own store with t-shirts, hoodies, beanies, coffee cups and - of course - face masks.

Become a member of Foreningen BSides København

Membership of the volunteer-based association Foreningen BSides København costs DKK 100,- per year. Anyone aged 16 or more are eligible members. By becoming a paid member you get early access to conference tickets and the right to vote at the annual general assembly of the association. (After one month of membership.) Please read and accept our privacy policy and Data Processing Agreement before you sign up. In short we do not share or abuse your data.

Become a member now